Thank you for sharing with us what you wrote for your daughter. It’s good advice:

“Child, when the tide is lowest

and the channel exposed,

unlace the strings

and slip your skin.”

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“Elections, here and now, are maybe more about the habitat in which those small togetherings will have to survive than they are about any lasting shelter in themselves.” Yep.

Thank you Andrew for all of the REAL in your words. Let us meet at the table with our bread and wine and capable hands, hearts and minds. The weaving we make with neighbors (near and far) can hold us better than anything the state can serve up. But the weathers will be a challenge.

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This is beautifully said Andrew. Your poem makes my hair stand up. Thank you. xx And this line -- "Be careful not to confuse understandable with honorable" -- SO on point.

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After a self-imposed exile on Election day( I made ART) and then a wifi glitch which left me sans connection, i am just getting around to reading the posts. yours is one of the better ones although for reading, a better one couldn't be found in dr. sharon blackie's post. she is under no illusions, nor was I --this America isn't ready for a woman to MAN the helm. And the reason why Trump won this go around is precisely because he hired a Mrs. Wiles, a no-nonsense, veteran of Florida elections, a middle-aged gal who got the job done. Now, lt us see what this clown does with the victory mrs. wiles gave him (i am waiting to see how long it takes for her to realize just what she has done). I was willing to let the republicans take this dark load for 4 years, instead of blaming it all on the other party. And excuse me, but I do not recall being better off when tRump ran the white house as the 45th. Was I in a coma?

just sayin'............blackie has the better tilt to it but i sure as heck am happy to have just fiinished doing the stoic week....courtesy of donald roberton. 'the world has always been in dark places' and no amount of derr trumph's posturing about how he would bring about america's golden age will change that---unless he really is referring to those goldplated toilets he favors in trump towers or mara-lago.

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This is just so gorgeous, Andrew. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Thank you x

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I needed that

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I have a Great Hope in these kitchen tables scattered around at the margins. You set us a good meal with this one, Andrew.

By the bye, what's the most obvious place in Illich's writing to find this metaphor of the kitchen table?

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Jan 17Edited
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Tell me more of this immunity. I would resist any immunity to honorable form-blessing mutability, my own middle being of the order of Pakicetus. I think you bless the both/and of this business same as I while setting Word against the collapsers of distinctions, lovers of mush but I would like to hear more.

I can imagine a world where the political sphere is so rightly subjugated to the Kreaturly sphere that most women would laugh at the idea of leaving the latter for the former. Why lay in a puddle when the Sea is at your doorstep. Yet I would these days see the polis brimming with the feminine to mother the little boys that have taken to running the show unto murder. I have no idealism there. Madame Defarge can kill with the best of them when the dams all burst. Yet still....

Jeffers spoke of the phallic "cored onto a sick child's soul". He heard it "wailing through the dogwrath" from Danzig. This isn't then but something here rhymes, yes?

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